There are many things that I miss...

I remember when I am a younger...

I always try to study hard and more test...

I don't know why to study for...

My parents always tell me studing is your job... be well...

I hate this...I lost my way to study....

From now on,I can know the important of studing...

but... too late...the time is pass by my life...


missing and missing a girl...

Did you even miss a someone of you love?

I had a lot...

I still missing their smile and beautiful face...

Loving someone needs courage to prove your spirit...

Taiwanese called this form of proving is "GUTS"!

So!did you have GUTS?

Okay...memory always live of beauty in your mine

I chose to bless everyone of my missing...

Wish you can live you want...

My friend DUCK will come home at this weekend

We'll eat to die...

Be the stomach stronger!!

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